... a Journey, a Way of Life
Returning to the Garden is an expression of heart and mind,
a spiritual pursuit in a physical existence,
a journey, a way of life.
We invite you to join us as we find the narrow way together,
abiding in Him and listening to His Divine Whisper,
returning to the garden.
a spiritual pursuit in a physical existence,
a journey, a way of life.
We invite you to join us as we find the narrow way together,
abiding in Him and listening to His Divine Whisper,
returning to the garden.
Check out our new sister website at sabbathcalendar.org which is entirely devoted to the Zadokite calendar.
hosted by Luke Abaffy of The Life Podcast
(the video of this event is posted and ready to watch now!)
We were invited by Luke Abaffy to join him with 3 other distinguished teachers for a friendly discussion about the most popular calendar systems being used today by Messianic Believers:
What a refreshing experience it was to sit with these other men of Yah and to be engaged in a mutually educational, respectful dialogue. We spent an evening and a day together, beginning as strangers and departing as brothers - with each of us knowing in a greater way that despite our calendar differences, we have a lot more in common to bring us together because of our love for the Messiah and His Love for us! Be sure to see it on Luke's Youtube channel - @TheLife_Podcast. |
~ Newly Featured Articles ~
When Did Y'shua Consider a Day to Begin?
The fundamental understanding of "when the Biblical day begins" continues to be a lively topic of discussion among brethren. Many people have very definite conclusions about how a "Day" is defined in Scripture while others continue to question and investigate various opinions. So what might our Messiah have to say about it?
Does our King and High Priest offer a clear solution to this ongoing debate?
A dear brother with a keen eye pointed something out to us as he was reading in the Gospel of Luke.
Get the full article HERE to see how the gospels record Messiah's perspective regarding the timing of a "day".
2 more New Articles about the Zadokite Sabbath Calendar
New Year
In this 6-page article, we take another comprehensive look at how the "Beginning of Months" is determined on the Zadokite Sabbath Calendar. We lay out the what, how and why of the necessary criteria which we have gleaned from the Dead Sea Scrolls to keep this ancient priestly calendar in its pure and unadulterated form - simple, yet amazingly profound!
Download the full article HERE |
Sun, Moon, Stars & Priests
How Do They Relate to Yah's Calendar Work?
This 12-page article delves into the material of "New Year" a little more deeply. We address what we see as some misconceptions surrounding the basic criteria as laid out in the scrolls. We are seeing attempts to "correct" or adjust the calendar with methods that are (in our opinion) based on faulty assumptions. These "fixes" introduce alterations that cause unfounded divergences from the timeless perfection of this ancient calendar. Yah created time with an aspect of Divine Patterning that is absolutely unbroken and perpetual within the schematic framework of the Zadokite Sabbath Calendar just as it is.
Download the full article HERE
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Returning to the Garden is not affiliated with any church or religious organization, nor do we have a 501(c)(3) classification. Donations are not tax-deductible. Please send any amount, if you feel led to give, payable to: Bill or Karen Bishop, PO Box 64, Glasgow, KY 42142; or click here to donate by credit card on a secure page. We are very thankful for your consideration.
All Bible quotations are from the King James Version (KJV) unless otherwise noted.
All Bible quotations are from the King James Version (KJV) unless otherwise noted.
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