"For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." Galations 6:8
Introducing a new friend, researcher and contributor - Maria Lenox: We became acquainted with this young lady some months ago, and our fellowship in Messiah started growing promptly. She "tabernacled" with us during Sukkot, then a small group of us witnessed her exhilarating (brrrr!) re-immersion or mikvah in the name of Y'shua on a balmy 50-degree day last December in a nearby stream. She's joined us on several weekly Sabbath occasions and become a treasured sister in Messiah. Maria brings an interesting perspective to things because of her sharp eye for Scriptural alignment and also because of her youth. We are so-called "Baby Boomers" in the proximity of beginning our 70's, while Maria is in her mid-20's, a so-called "Millennial." As you will see in her article, what she sees as history that contributed to the declining condition of our nation is simply what we've lived since being born in the 50's. It was fascinating for us to take a look back at what was merely our memories of life in the good ol' USA these past 70 years. Of course, when we look back at these things that occurred during our generation through a Biblical lens, we can certainly see how non-conventional attitudes have developed along the way and morphed into the increasingly degenerated social norms of today.
Starting with the decade of the 50's, Maria identifies prominent shifts in mainstream American culture that are quite alarming to see - now that we can use the 20/20 vision of looking back in hindsight. This article gives enough of an overview to provoke much deeper thought, and it is not intended to be an exhaustive study of the subject matter (which could fill an entire book or two). We could debate some of her choices of events to highlight versus events she chose not to highlight, but this is only a brief recap of recent changes in mainstream American society. While other significant events might seem to be overlooked, they were not really necessary to bring more definition to the author's topic. No matter what stage of this 70 year generation you find yourself inhabiting, you will very likely be prodded in your mind to reflect on your own personal participation (good or bad, right or wrong) in this "downfall."
The subtle and cunning destruction being accomplished by our adversary is so much more obvious now than it was while living our day-to-day lives. It seems that the present day, whenever it exists or at whatever stage of life it exists, contains a certain amount of innocence and ignorance on our part that the adversary uses to his complete advantage. This is why we so desperately need the ongoing tutelage of Yah's Word in all the manifestations He has provided - the written Word of the Father, the Living Word of the Messiah, and the internal Word of the Holy Spirit being written on our hearts. We obviously cannot depend on our own "wisdom" to navigate the day-to-day challenges that arise, especially when times are more evil, but even when times are coasting along with the blessings of goodness. We are not prepared to fight these spiritual battles that never end without His Wisdom, His Grace, His Strength, His Mercy. Hallelujah! Please feel free to comment here on Maria's article. She has also included her email address in the article if you wish to dialogue with her directly. Get the entire article here. Enjoy and be blessed!
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Karen Bishop Archives
March 2024
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All Bible quotations are from the King James Version (KJV) unless otherwise noted.
All Bible quotations are from the King James Version (KJV) unless otherwise noted.
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