"For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." Galations 6:8
by Bill Bishop When is a life valuable and when is it not? Is there a certain point when a life can be deemed as deficient, unworthy, or perhaps too evil? Are there legitimate instances when a life can be justifiably extinguished? What actually determines whether or not a life should be lived? Now let me clarify one more detail about these questions. I am asking them regarding a life that is still growing inside its mother. I am greatly saddened when I hear good people say that it is up to the mother to decide her own answers to these questions. Many professing Christians are believers of the lie that it is the 'right' of a mother to choose what she does with her body. They are no different than secular agnostics and atheists. The fallacy of this is quite true however; we all have the so-called 'right' to choose sin even though sinning is actually not a 'right'. In today's world, 'rights' become easily confused with 'wrongs' when Yahweh's Law is removed from the picture. What we actually have is freedom of choice. We have a freedom to choose sin, yet we definitely do not have the 'right' to commit sin. True rights are derived from moral principles that can only be based on Yah's Law. I would also submit that a woman has a tremendous responsibility for what she is choosing to do with her body that may result in creating a baby inside her. Wait a minute - what about rape? What if a woman is making proper choices and winds up pregnant from an unwanted, very dreadful attack on her body by some evil predator? Is the new life inside her a blessing or a curse? What if she's not married? What if she is married? What if she really can't afford another child? What if her life was going in a totally different direction that didn't include having a family? What about her life, her career, her finances, her health, her family, her marriage, her unforgettable trauma? Ummm ............ what about the baby? Even more importantly, what about Yahweh? Please watch this very powerful testimony to the Iowa state legislature by Jennifer Brierly. Returning to the Garden is all about Life. Our loving creator Yahweh is all about Life. His Torah, His instructions and His commandments are all about Life. The earthly life, death and resurrection of His Son Y'shua is all about Life. His grace, mercy and forgiveness are all about Life. Our ultimate promise at the end of time is that death will be overcome! Eternal Life and NO death! So how valuable is a life? It must be a really big deal to Yahweh; it is His ultimate gift! Please, I implore all believers and non-believers, please do not ever say it is okay for a woman to intentionally eliminate her unborn baby. No matter what the circumstances might be surrounding the pregnancy, Life is the right choice. When does that life begin? The instant Yahweh gives it is when it begins, whether or not it is independent of the mother. All Life comes from Yahweh; anything growing from the union of a male and a female is a new life that is being formed by Yahweh. It is absolutely amazing to see how much confusion and deception surround this very simple fact. Now one more point: BY ALL MEANS, we feel a huge amount of compassion toward anyone who has had an abortion. If you live with this burden in your past, please know in your heart that we do NOT condemn you. It is an extremely vain and prideful thing to point our finger at anybody because of what they have done. Our loving Heavenly Father simply asks that we turn our lives around and come to Him. We do this through an active faith that is based on the perfect life that was accomplished by His Son, Y'shua. We have all committed sin, and all sin is worthy of death. Yet we are forgiven through His perfection that we may have life. We are born once in the flesh, and now we are free to be born again in the spirit - Hallelujah!
March 2024
Returning to the Garden is not affiliated with any church or religious organization, nor do we have a 501(c)(3) classification. Donations are not tax-deductible. Please send any amount, if you feel led to give, payable to: Bill or Karen Bishop, PO Box 64, Glasgow, KY 42142; or click here to donate by credit card on a secure page. We are very thankful for your consideration.
All Bible quotations are from the authorized King James Version unless otherwise noted.
All Bible quotations are from the authorized King James Version unless otherwise noted.
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