"For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." Galations 6:8
by Bill Bishop It was a little over a year ago, Shavuot 2018, when we had a group of friends come to stay and celebrate the feast with us at our home for the weekend. Then on the Monday following Shavuot, six of us went to Cornersville, TN to visit the Wyatt Archeological Museum. We were blessed to have Richard Rives be our personal host, and he shared many of his personal artifacts and memories with us in addition to the interesting museum exhibits. Richard Rives is a notable author and teacher himself, and he was a personal friend of Ron Wyatt; he also worked with him on some of his research and archeological digs. Richard has seen many of the discoveries Ron made and continued to verify what he is able to verify of Ron's archeological work. Although the museum is small and quite humble, the history of Ron Wyatt's discoveries is astounding and profound. So who is Ron Wyatt and what did he discover? We view Ron Wyatt as one of the most remarkable Biblical archeologists of all time with several amazing, major discoveries to his credit. Yet he also seems to be the most overlooked and unknown person to ever make any of these discoveries. Other more famous researchers such as Bob Cornuke and Lennart Moller have had the benefit of his work to promote for themselves. Ron passed away 20 years ago in 1999, so he isn't around to answer anybody's questions. He did not seek fame or notoriety; he only wanted to bring the Truth of the Bible forward with his research and discoveries. So just what did he discover?
Nobody has been able to substantiate Ron's claim to have found the Ark of the Covenant mostly because it seems to be hidden perhaps somewhat metaphysically. His account of this particular discovery is an astounding story, and it invites plenty of scoffers and mockers. Richard Rives has earnestly tried to find any evidence that could support the story of his old friend, but all he can say is that Ron was genuinely, sincerely convinced he had seen it. No tangible evidence has been found to match up with Ron's story, and Israeli archeological authorities will not allow any permits at this time to dig where needed in the search to prove or disprove it. It is clear in my mind that only Yahweh knows the truth, and He will determine if and when the Ark of the Covenant will be found. However, Richard and many others have validated each of these other discoveries over the past 20+ years. The Biblical Mount Sinai is now commonly believed by many, including the Saudi Arabians, to be in Saudi Arabia at Jebel al-Lawz (Mountain of Almonds.) The local bedouins that helped the Wyatt's in 1984 even called it Jebel Musa which means Mountain of Moses. Here is a video from Ron's wife, Mary Nell Wyatt Lee, telling her story about his discovery of the real Mount Sinai. Here is a very well-made documentary that brings forth a recent "discovery" of the same Mount Sinai that Ron Wyatt brought to the world's attention 35 years ago. Perhaps Ron was a little ahead of the curve, but now this discovery is getting some attention. Here is a real "kicker" to all this big revelation about the real Mount Sinai. This is truly a sign of the times: Saudi Arabia is planning to build the world's largest, most advanced, technologically sophisticated and artificially intelligent city of man-made utopia right here on Jebel al-Lawz! They are actually planning to build a completely artificial city to showcase the greatest of all mankind's achievements and advancements in the arts, engineering, entertainment, social equality, technology, education, etc. I suppose this being the place of Mount Sinai ( which is also called the mount of God, Exodus 24:13) is simply a mere coincidence with their decision to build this city at this very spot. Wow - this is way beyond Nimrod's plan! I hope you enjoy watching these videos, and more importantly, I hope this post will accomplish two things for you:
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Karen Bishop Archives
March 2024
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All Bible quotations are from the King James Version (KJV) unless otherwise noted.
All Bible quotations are from the King James Version (KJV) unless otherwise noted.
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